A Fresh Thanksgiving Tablescape

I love decorating for holidays and parties. I’ve been doing tablescapes for Thanksgiving since before I lived on my own. My mom always let me decide which of our fancy heirloom dishes I wanted to use and I’d pick out flowers and pumpkins or press leaves from the beautiful maple tree in my parents front yard and make place cards. I was an early Pinterest user and gathered as many ideas as I could each year, carving out pumpkins to use as vases or spray painting the mini ones gold. I’ve done it all. When we first saw this dining table, I fell in love with it and could just imagine all of parties we’d have where I could decorate it and eat delicious food at it surrounded my friends and family. This year, I liked the idea of going with something fresh and also of not buying a bunch of new stuff for the table when I’d inevitably want to switch up next year. I picked a palette of sage greens for the runner and napkins and pops of orange and red from fresh pomegranates and persimmons. Every table needs some candles and so I mixed in some white pillars with some larger orange ones and put it all together around a green garland I found at Michaels. On Thanksgiving we’ll be at my in-laws, but we will be hosting a get together with friends on the 30th and I can’t wait to have everyone over.
