Springtime Day Trip to Filoli


As we hit the one-year mark since being asked to stay home due to COVID-19, I wanted to start to find ways to get outside and do things again while still exercising caution and abiding by restrictions. And with the weather getting warmer, it’s been easier to find enjoyable activities outside. We decided to check out Filoli Garden in Woodside—it has been years since I’ve gone and with the spring weather I knew that the grounds would be covered in tulips and daffodils.

It was pretty crowded even though they were capping the number of visitors and you had to buy tickets in advance. I guess everyone had the same idea as us. But it still felt safe since the grounds are sprawling and they required everyone to wear masks.

I could have spent even longer roaming the grounds, there was so much to see and the flowers delighted me around each corner as if it was the first time I’d seen them. Brendan is such a good sport about all my oohing and ahhing. It really felt like a vacation — in part because of the fact that we hadn’t been anywhere in so long, but also because it was just the type of activity we’d do on vacation, stroll around a beautiful house and garden, me taking pictures every step of the way. The history and beauty of the house contributed to the vacation feel as well — it’s strange to think this gorgeous house is really in our backyard. It was the perfect first “trip” out in year.

