Corduroy Skirts for Fall

How do we feel about corduroy skirts? Maybe it’s because I had hoped to be in New England for Fall this year, but I’ve seen them on a couple of people and thought they looked fun and different than my typical Fall go-to’s and felt preppy-New England, but wasn’t sure how I’d feel about them for myself. JCrew Factory had a couple affordable options and so I thought I’d try the trend out.

My review: Full disclosure, my midsection is not my favorite feature at the moment (thanks global pandemic induced stress eating, baking and lack of exercise!), I feel like the skirt isn’t as flattering as it could be because it does fold and kind of highlight that area, BUT I was excited to put this outfit together in my effort to get dresses again and I’m working on a little more self love lately and little less critique so I decided to embrace some of my insecurities and wear it anyway! Sometimes (or maybe all the time?) we’re our own worst critics and I know I judge myself in ways that would I would NEVER even think of when looking at someone else, so there you have it. I got a new style to try out and got to practice keeping myself from nitpicking every little thing. I encourage you all to do the same – have a style you always wanted to wear, but never had the confidence? Just go for it! Life’s short. Buy the shoes. Wear the outfit. Stop spending so much time critiquing yourself. All in all, I’m giving this skirt a thumbs up (and good thing too because I also bought it in the green!).


