Cherry Picking

Outfit details:

Wrap top, JCrew Factory skirt (old, similar), woven belt, straw hat (old, similar here), sandals (old, similar)

On Levi: H&M cherry bodysuit, Pehr bloomers

I’m so happy that we ended up squeezing in cherry picking this year! It’s something I’ve always wanted to do, but never plan in time. It was extra sweet to be able to bring Levi—he’s getting to an age where the world has really opened up to him and he looks in awe all over. The activity didn’t go quite as perfectly as the pictures may appear, but we still had a lovely, albeit brief, time.

We headed over to Borello Family Farms U-Pick Cherry Farm and it did not disappoint. They have multiple farms and if you follow along on their Instagram page, they let you know which ones are open which week and which ones have been all picked over. We went after Levi’s second nap, which might have been our first mistake as by the time we got there we only had about 15 minutes until closing. It did mean that the sun wasn’t beating down on us and it wasn’t very crowded though which was nice. Not so nice was the fact that I figured, since it would be so quick, I could leave the diaper bag in the car and of course Levi pooped and I didn’t want to use up our short time there going back to the car to change him—so just think of how cautiously we might have been holding him in our very white outfits. Luckily, Levi didn’t seem to mind waiting a few extra minutes to be changed.

We made the most of our short amount of time and were able to get a decent amount of cherries and some cute photos to document the trip. On our way out we got to speak with the family who runs the farm and they couldn’t have been kinder. The farm was just beautiful and I am positive we will make it back next year with a toddler (ah!) and for many years to come. PS as it turns out Levi LOVES cherries.

