Soupsgiving in 2020

As I mentioned in this recipe post, for the past few years, instead of a traditional Friendsgiving, my friends and I have been doing what we’ve named Soupsgiving — a get together around Thanksgiving where we have a soup-themed potluck, each choosing a different type of soup to bring to share. This year we really wanted to try to continue the tradition, but in a safe way complying with the restrictions due to COVID-19 so a small group of us decided we’d bundle up and have the whole thing outside.

We’re lucky to have a large yard (and a heat lamp!) and also live in California where it doesn’t get too cold so we were able to make this possible. Everyone brought their own soup and I heated everything up in the kitchen and brought it out to everyone else outside so that we could remain outdoors and keep our distance. We all dressed in cozy comfortable outfits, had the outdoor heat lamp on and even brought out some blankets – plus we had the soup to keep us warm. I was glad we found a way to keep the tradition while still feeling good about abiding by all the precautions and the soups this year were spectacular!

For the table setting I decided to play with the soup theme and stack multiple bowls for each soup. I kept the rest of the table pretty simple. We had everything on individual dishes so there were no shared plates which allowed me to use these cute tidbit plates.
