Picnic Perfect Dresses

In my summer bucket list post, I included having a park picnic as one of things I’d like to do this summer. And what picnic is complete without the perfect dress?! Picnicing is something I’d like to do more of. We have such a lovely yard and are close to a big park with beautiful trees, it feels like something just so quintessentially summer and something we need to make a habit of doing more often.

Along with dresses, I’ve rounded up some cute picnic baskets and blankets that would be great to purchase for yourself or even to give as gifts! There are number of baskets that come with dishes and accessories you need for a picnic, but there’s something about this simple basket that I love. For blankets, you can always use a quilt or blanket you have, but if you think there’s any chance the grass might be damp, it’s nice to have something with a little more waterproof like this one that still looks sweet while offering that extra protection.

