Newborn Baby Favorites

Buying things for your first baby can be really intimidating! There are SO many lists out there and it’s hard to know what you’ll really need. If you’re a planner like me, you spent countless hours reading other people’s “must-have” lists and cross referencing your own. I found myself yo-yoing back and forth between wanting to feel prepared and like I had “all the right things” and also not wanting to have too much unnecessary stuff, because ultimately I do agree that you don’t need that much for a newborn. Then you factor in that all babies and families are different and what works for some may not work for others—even within the same family, some babies may love something that their older sibling hated at that age. So this is just what we’ve found has worked really well for us in these first 2 months—take it or leave it!

You can find the basic list of what we registered for here, but what I really wanted to focus on in this post were things we use constantly (beyond the obvious diapers, bassinet, carseat etc) that I wouldn’t have thought would be an “essential”, but now would rave about to any new or expecting parent.

Portable Sound Machine - I ended up packing it in our hospital bag since it was small and easy to transport and I’d seen recommendations to bring a sound machine with us. While we registered for the Hatch Sound Machine and love using that at home, I had intended for this to be something that I’d keep in my diaper bag, just in case we needed it, but I use it all the time! I do bring it with me in my diaper bag wherever we go, but I also make sure to have it in the stroller for walks, in the carseat while we’re driving and have even been using it around the house when we aren’t hanging out in the bedroom and I want our little guy to snooze. I’ve attached to to the baby carrier while wearing him and truth-be-told, it’s actually on right now as I’m writing this!

BabyBjörn Bouncer - This is on every baby “must-have” list I’ve seen and now I get it. The Swedes certainly have figured out some kind of magic. Not only is this bouncer lightweight, so easy to fold and store, and simple and chic in design, but Levi LOVES this. We use this daily and I’m constantly bringing it around the house. It’s in our bathroom in the morning so I can shower while knowing baby is safe and content in the room with me and then it usually moves out to the kitchen by midday. I’m not sure what it is about this, because I’ve put him in other seats and swings and he will instantly cry, but he will stay content and comfortable in this bouncer longer than anything else. Bonus points because you can use your foot to bounce the chair while multitasking.

My Brest Friend - My breastfeeding journey is a whole other story so I’ll keep this short a simple. You need this. We call it “baby tray” because it’s essentially a flat surface you strap onto yourself and then lay your baby across, but it saved my life with breastfeeding. It firm and stay put and allow your small newborn to be closer up to your boobs than the Boppy pillow, plus it has a pocket where I always make sure to have a burp cloth so that there is always one on hand. The Boppy have have more longevity in terms of use because you can use it for tummy time and propping baby up, but when it came to actual function for breastfeeding this couldn’t be beat for me personally.

Solly Wrap - Wear your baby. Period. It’s amazing, baby loves it because they’re warm and curled up close to you like they were in utero, you get those snuggles, but also have BOTH HANDS FREE. It’s life changing. And if baby takes a few minutes to settle in, attach the portable sound machine I mentioned up there to the wrap and bingo bango… your baby is asleep.

Huckleberry App - This app helps you track everything—feeding, sleep, growth, diaper changes (you can even get into the nitty gritty of poops and pees!). It’s great for anyone who likes tracking and information. I really use it mostly for feeding, that’s what I’ve found most helpful at this stage, but I can see using it to track naps and things when he’s a little bit older. The feeding timer is perfect for breastfeeding and helps keep us on track to make sure he’s eating every three hours during the day.

Burp Cloths - This one may sound obvious, but I thought deserved a place here. Get these basic ones, they aren’t cutesy, but they’re so absorbent and inexpensive. And yes you need a million of them. I have some in every room. And I wouldn’t even consider Levi particularly spitty…

And just for fun…

Stroller Cup Holder - I considered buying a stroller caddy so that when were on neighborhood walks and I didn’t have pockets I had a place for my phone and keys and things, but ultimately decided I didn’t need what was essentially a mini diaper bag on the stroller. I did think it would be nice to have a place for a water bottle and then I came across this phone and drink holder in one! It’s such a small, silly thing, but I really do love having it.


BabyBaby, MotherhoodComment