DIY Baby Sweater Embroidery

Have you seen all those cute baby sweaters with embroidered names and initials on them? Or is that just me because I’m seemingly obsessed with baby knits… Well, I found some really sweet ones on Etsy, but they were pretty expensive and I couldn’t justify the price for a baby sweater I knew would be quickly outgrown. Growing up with a very crafty mother, I tend to jump to the conclusion that I can make anything I see out there. Sometimes this is true, often… it’s not. With this I thought I’d give it a go and it turned out to be pretty easy and really fun. I don’t have any knitting experience so I bought a little inexpensive pull over sweater to start with and figured I could add the writing on top of that. I looked through a couple of YouTube videos and found one teaching you how to do a chain stitch that was pretty simple and easy to follow. This is the video I used to learn the stitch. Next, all I needed to go was visit Michael’s Crafts Store and pick up an embroidery hoop, embroidery needles and choose my yarn! I decided on a brown yarn with flecks of white, maybe only slightly influenced by its name, Walnut Tweed. The last step was to write his name lightly on the sweater, I recommend using a washable fabric pencil for this. Admittedly, I didn’t have one and used a regular pencil, but in the future I’d switch to a fabric pencil which you can also find at Michaels.

One thing I really appreciated was how easy it was to remove your stitching and start over, I did this a few times when I decided I didn’t like the way I drew my L. Overall, it was pretty simple and almost a little therapeutic to stitch!


Baby, DIYCrafts, Baby, DIYComment